Dear Lionel,
Please pass this message onto Trevor and Hugh Amoore.
Lisa Carlin, Chair of the UCT Australian, the board of Trustees and I would like to wish the 1973 MBChB a happy 50th reunion and engaging time at UCT and in glorious CapeTown.
Trevor, you are to be congratulated on your sterling work getting so many of your colleagues to the 50y reunion.
If only we could muster up similar enthusiasm from other classes/ faculties to keep our alumni engaged and entertained
I am hoping my Doctors Decade Challenge will re-connect many UCT MBChB alumni. You will hear from me on your return.
Noel McIntosh
Trustee, UVT Australian Trust
This website was established in 2019 in an attempt to re-establish contact with folks that spent a lot of time together over the 6 years, 1968 - 1973. It has grown thanks to your efforts, memories and photographs. Lets try to keep things going. The more folks we can get involved the better, so check and see who we are missing and pass on the website URL to them and send us their email address to update our class data base.
You are STILL encouraged to add your photographs (both from your med school years and more current) to the site, as well as any news that you would like to share. It is never too late to add your contribution, so please share your memories with folks that can actually relate to them. Go through those old photo albums before your kids throw them out.
When you are gone......they are gone!
Message from the Dean to our Class
Message from the Dean to our Class
19 March 2021
To the MBChB class of 1973
It was with some excitement that I heard of your gathering as alumni. I aim to strengthen ties with alumni from all our programmes. So this note comes with that sense of camaraderie with you.
You are part of the richly woven tapestry that is the legacy of this Faculty of Health Sciences. Your story, and the story of those from your class who may have died, is deeply interconnected with the story of our Faculty. Each time we reflect on our shared legacies, I am energised by the promise that institutions such as ours fulfil in the quest to contribute to a better world. I have no doubt that you are continually fulfilling that promise across the globe. I look forward to hearing the stories of your exploits.
The Faculty has changed since you were here – both in its structures and its achievements. The pandemic emboldened our rethinking of the delivery of the learning and teaching endeavour, forced us to answer the very important biomedical questions raised by the virus and, perhaps most importantly, allowed us to develop new ways of being and doing. The Faculty has become a more collaborative multi-sectoral space because of the pandemic.
I hope this recent video, in which a few alumni and students shared their experiences with matriculants, strikes a chord.
I wish you well in your gathering this weekend. We have organised an online event on 25 March, 2021 at 17h00 (SAST). It would be great if some of you were able to join.
With humility
Associate Professor Lionel Green-Thompson
Dean: Faculty of Health Sciences
So this was us back when we graduated.......
Where are we now?
Still working?
Passed on?
This is our opportunity to reach back in time and re-establish contact with those folks who we were at medical school with so many years ago, because who knows where we will be in 2025......................? Site administrator : THKaye